Summit Eyecare - Merlin Dr.

(208) 522-5594

Summit Eyecare - Pancheri Dr.

(208) 529-4333

Summit Eyecare - Pocatello

(208) 637-0841

Summit Eyecare - Rexburg

(208) 356-0881

Summit Eyecare - St. Anthony

(208) 624-3231

Presbyopia Eye Doctor

Presbyopia eye doctor in Idaho Falls, Pocatello, Rexburg and St. Anthony.

As we age, our eyes—like the rest of our bodies—begin to lose flexibility and strength. When this happens to the lens of the eye and its surrounding muscles, your lens will become stiff. This makes it harder to see close objects clearly because the eyes can't focus properly. It's a natural part of aging that typically begins around age 40. Presbyopia can be corrected easily with eyeglasses or contact lenses from an optometry clinic.

Is Presbyopia the Same as Farsightedness?

No. Farsightedness is a condition where the point of focus for the eye extends beyond the retina and makes the vision blurred for near objects.

Presbyopia ... occurs when the lens of the eye becomes less flexible over the age of 40 typically.

What Are the Symptoms of Presbyopia?

  • A need to hold things at arm's length to read them
  • Blurry vision when reading things at a normal distance
  • Fatigue or headaches after doing work at a close distance

How Is Presbyopia Diagnosed?

Your eye care provider will conduct a thorough eye exam and check for presbyopia.

How Is Presbyopia Treated?

To help correct the symptoms, your eye care provider may advise you to use aids such as:

  • Prescription eyeglasses
  • Contact lenses
  • Reading glasses
  • Progressive lenses
  • Bifocals

Most commonly, bifocals or progressive lenses are recommended. The top portion of the eyeglass lenses correct vision at long distances, and the bottom portion helps you see clearly up close. Bifocals have a distinct edge between the two prescriptions, but progressive lenses have a graduated transition between the areas.

Over time, if your presbyopia continues to change your vision, then you may need to update your eyewear periodically to maintain clear vision.

Request an Appointment

As a sign of natural and healthy aging, presbyopia can be annoying, but it's easy to address. Whether you prefer glasses, contact lenses or surgery, call Summit Eyecare and talk with your eye doctor and find out which options are best for you.