Summit Eyecare - Merlin Dr.

(208) 522-5594

Summit Eyecare - Pancheri Dr.

(208) 529-4333

Summit Eyecare - Pocatello

(208) 637-0841

Summit Eyecare - Rexburg

(208) 356-0881

Summit Eyecare - St. Anthony

(208) 624-3231

Optometrists Promote Healthy Vision

May is Healthy Vision Month

Optometrists in Idaho Falls, Rexburg, Pocatello and St. Anthony promote annual eye exams.

From the moment you wake up until you go to bed at night, your eyes are working to bring you the world.

Your eyes deliver 80% of the information you take in every day.  Your life is brought to you by your eyes!  You experience your loved ones, your job, and all the things you love through your eyes.  That’s why the Summit Eyecare eye doctors work so hard to keep them healthy.  However, it’s really more of your responsibility to keep them healthy and safe.

Health Vision Month

In May, we participate in Healthy Vision Month which is a time to raise awareness about eye health and strategies to help prevent vision loss and blindness.  While there are many ways for you to keep your eyes healthy and safe, first things first, make sure you get an annual eye exam!

Healthy Vision:  Make it last a lifetime!

According to the National Eye Institute, more than 23 million American adults have never had an eye exam. Why? If your eyes feel healthy, it’s easy to assume they are healthy. But getting an eye exam is the only way to be sure.

When it comes to your vision, you may not realize you could see better with glasses or contacts. And many serious eye diseases don’t have any warning signs — so you could have an eye problem and not know it. Getting an eye exam is the best way to stay on top of your eye health!


As part of the Healthy Vision Month, we are providing a few resources for you and your family.